Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tech Article 1/19

Why Wikipedia "Blacked Out"

Wikipedia shut down for 24 hours in protest of the SOPA and PIPA bills that are being debated. The purpose of these bills is to protect copyright laws already established and stop internet piracy. Although piracy on the internet is a growing problem, many disagree with this bill because it is too vague and will ultimately give the government too much power of censorship. In addition to this, the structure of the bill puts the website at fault if certain piracy acts are committed, creating a huge discrepancy. Many other powerful websites such as facebook, google, wired, and of course wikipedia are all banding together against this bill.

Jing In Class Assignment

Come watch my blogger tutorial!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tech Article 1/15

Solar Lamps Replace Toxic Kerosene

Poor countries that lack power for lighting are now switching from kerosene fueled lamps to solar power. About 20% of the world still lives without a power switch according to recent data. Fuel powered lights are expensive, dangerous, and polluting. In addition to this, the light provided by these lamps are dim at best and restrict any type of activity such as reading or writing. Even the countries in poverty are making the switch to solar powered lights, due to the fact that they do not have any other source of electricity and sunlight power is free. Solar power is also helping the environment as well.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Tech Article 1/6

iPad 3?
Many people purchased the iPad 2 as a gift for Christmas, however, new rumors have emerged about an iPad 3. These widespread rumors have created an upset with the consumer community because there is a chance they will now own an outdated tablet. News of a new iPhone has died down and allowed the tablet rumors to surface with full force. Nobody knows for sure what the new iPad will entail but many believe it will incorporate these features:
  • Faster processor 
  • Sharper Screen
  • Voice Control
  • Cheaper Prices


Computer organization is an important skill to utilize. There are a variety of ways to keep files organized on your own personal computer. The most effective way to reduce clutter and to easily navigate through saved files is to create folders. Folders are easily created and can be renamed. In addition to this, subfolders can be created to furthermore increase organization. For example, most computers come with a documents file that encompasses music, video, and picture folders all within. You can go into the pictures folder and create a subfolder that has specific types of pictures. This is a hierarchical type of organization.

Social bookmarking can be defined as using online sites to store websites and even to share with others. Tagging is using keywords to associate certain files with general or specific topics. Tagging allows the user to quickly find an article or saved file through keyword searches.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Tech Article 12/16

Zynga Makes Billions

  • Online Gaming has massive revenues
  • Utilize social media sites such as facebook
  • Famous games such as farmville and cityville
  • Mass advertizing of games through newsfeed
  • About $7 billion in profit thus far
    • Networth of $14 billion
  • Zynga makes real money off of virtual items
    • Facebook makes 30% of profit